Clarifying Facial Protocol for Mask Acne

Mask-ne [a.k.a. Mask Acne]
Our clients are requesting clarifying treatments for the most obvious reason. Mask culture is our new normal and, as most individuals are wearing one daily, they're irritating our skin.
The combination of friction, sweat, moisture, and bacteria can become a haven of inflammation and infection in the pores. Common skin concerns with mask-ne include breakouts, sensitivity to a variety of triggers, and facial redness.
Common Causes:
- Acne Mechanica: Pressure and friction triggers acne.
- Stress: Combining occlusion with the inflammatory response of stress hormones, like cortisol.
- Dermatitis: Localized irritation and facial redness. Can be caused by an allergen or a combination of variables.
- Millia: Combined occlusion and sweat traps dead skin and bacteria into tiny nodules. Exfoliation and manual extractions are necessary.
- Rosacea/Rosacea Acne: Can flare up in individuals who are predisposed to the condition.
What We're Using:
What can you expect with this Peel Combination?
When applied per the ARC Protocol, this treatment combination leaves the skin refreshed and vibrant. Your client’s skin may not visibly react, or they may experience some light flushing and tingling sensations. Some light frosting may occur over lesions where Rebright Peel was applied.
Basic Protocol Steps
- Consultation and skin prep with Phyto-Soothing Cleanser
- Pro-Lactic Peel 30% application.
- Skin Tech Option: Ultrasonic Cavitation or Microdermabrasion.
- Extractions with Clarifying Toner or Fruitzyme Conditioner.
- Skin Tech Option: High-Frequency with Rest-N-Restore.
- Herbal Moisture Clay Mask and optional massage.
- Skin Tech Option: Ultrasonic Infusion with Rest-N-Restore and Advanced Repair Serum.
- Spot treat blemishes with Rebright Jessner Peel or Clearifying Peel.
- Complete with an application of Advanced Recovery Cream or Clearifying Lotion, followed by Sun Protectant.
Download the complete protocol here.
If you have questions about product recommendations or facial protocols, contact us.