The Best Retinol for Oily Skin Types

Vitamin A is one of the most tried and true ingredients that can improve any skin concern--aging, acne, enlarged pores, excess oil, brown spots... the list can go on. When we pair a vitamin A with an oil for an oily skin treatment, the pore refining and breakout-reducing benefits are amplified, and the result is clear, confident skin.  

Rx creams contain retinoid acid, the most potent form of vitamin A that interacts with skin cells, causing them to behave younger by increasing turnover, brightening skin tone and discolorations, boosting collagen synthesis, and clearing pores; but it can also lead to unwanted irritation with routine or over-use. OTC forms of vitamin A, like retinol and retinol palmitate are made to deliver the same end-result, but in more time and with little to no skin irritation because the cells have to convert these forms of retinol into retinoid acid before using them. 

Glycerin is a humectant that draws hydration into the skin without causing breakouts and is highly beneficial for oily and combination skin types. When the lipid balance is off, the skin does not regenerate properly and dead skin cells are held to the surface instead of being shed--resulting in dehydration, dull skin, fine lines, rough texture and breakouts. Glycerin also assists with reducing inflammation, helps with healthy immune responses to bacteria and reduces the risk of experiencing an inflammatory skin reaction, like dermatitis. 


 A+ Exfoliating Serum

This silky exfoliating serum combines the retinol and retinol palmitate forms of vitamin A (2x) with glycolic acid, a rejuvenating and hydrating hydroxy acid, in a glycerin base. Together, they deliver a gradual release of the retinol and glycolic to help counter irritation. Fructoologosaccharides (FOOS) and glucosamine act like built-in skin soothers. A+ Exfoliating Serum dissolves dull skin cells and brightens skin tone, and improves breakouts and blackheads, pigmentation and pore appearance. 

Retinol serums should be used two nights a week, gradually increasing to every-other night as your skin acclimates.